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UBC is home to the only Faculty of Medicine in British Columbia; a world leader in health and biomedical research and a provincial hub for research that drives translational medicine. Within the UBC Faculty of Medicine, we saw an opportunity to develop a new, modern translational process, where drugs, therapeutics, devices, and diagnostics move through the development pipeline faster, more effectively, and more efficiently, thereby improving patient and population health and quality of life quickly, equitably, and sustainably. This opportunity has shaped the Academy of Translational Medicine as a new entity within the UBC Faculty of Medicine.
Academy of Translational Medicine goal: To reduce the timeline for translational medicine by 50% or more over a 10-year period.
In the next five years, we will put the right tools and teams in place to kickstart transdisciplinary collaboration around the most promising ideas. A decade from now, British Columbians who are desperate for live-saving treatments will no longer look outside our province for solutions – cutting-edge research will be happening in our community, and our patients will be the first to benefit through early access to clinical trials.
Contract Research & Scientific Services , Lab Services , Teach & Training
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