EY Recognizes 24 Pacific Businesses in Annual Entrepreneur Program

- Entrepreneurs strengthening market position post-pandemic
EY Canada is honoured to announce the regional finalists in the EY Entrepreneur Of the Year® 2022 Pacific program today. Selected by an independent panel of judges, 24 businesses have been recognized for transforming our world through unbounded innovation, growth and prosperity.
“What stands out about this year’s finalists is their ability to capture growth in new or evolving markets,” says Lui Petrollini, Entrepreneur Of The Year Pacific Program Director. “From infrastructure and meal delivery to talent management and cybersecurity, these organizations are well positioned to respond to consumer and business trends arising from the pandemic — not just surviving, but thriving in this new world. We’re excited to celebrate their achievements.”
Now in its 28th year in Canada, the Entrepreneur Of The Year program supports, connects and enables entrepreneurs across Canada as they turn groundbreaking ideas into powerful businesses that deliver national and global impact. The program works in tandem with EY Entrepreneurial Winning Women™ and Entrepreneurs Access Network to help businesses grow, scale and overcome ever-evolving challenges, while building an equitable and inclusive entrepreneurial ecosystem for all.
View the full list of EY Entrepreneur Of The Year 2022 Pacific finalists
What’s next?
The independent panel of judges will select seven regional winners who will be announced in July. The winners will then move forward to compete with Prairies, Ontario, Québec and Atlantic regional winners at the national awards celebration in November, where Canada’s EY Entrepreneur Of The Year 2022 winner will be revealed. The overall Canadian winner will go on to compete with national winners from across the globe in Monaco for the title of EY World Entrepreneur Of The Year™ 2023. Last year’s winner, Dr. Carl Hansen of AbCellera — BC-based biotechnology company best known for its leading role in developing an antibody treatment for COVID-19 — will be heading to Monaco next month to represent Canada on the world stage for EY World Entrepreneur Of The Year 2022.
More information
Visit ey.com/ca/eoy for more program details and follow #EOYCanada and #EOYPacific on social media for the latest program updates.
The 2022 Pacific independent judging panel comprises Geoff Chutter, CEO, WhiteWater West Industries Ltd.; Jill Earthy, CEO, InBC Investment Corporation; Kristi Miller, Managing Partner, Natural Products Canada (NPC) Ventures; Maria Pacella, Managing Partner, Pender Ventures, PenderFund Capital Management; Keith Spencer, Counsel, Fasken Martineau; and Bill Tam, Co-Founder and COO, Digital Technology Supercluster.
This year’s national sponsor is TSX Inc. The Pacific regional sponsors are CWB Financial Group and Hunt Personnel.
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This news release has been issued by Ernst & Young LLP.
Original source here.